1.1. Principal Office: The principal office of PDNYSA shall be in the county of El Paso. It shall be located at the address of the PDNYSA Office or if no PDNYSA Office, then as designated by the PDNYSA President . The registered agent for PDNYSA shall be the PDNYSA President unless the PDNYSA President designates another to be registered agent in his/her place.
2.1 Voting Members. The following members shall be entitled to cast a vote at any and all meetings of the general membership.
1) Each team in good standing shall have one vote at any and all meetings of the general membership. The vote shall be cast by the head coach or a team representative designated by the head coach.
2) Each board member shall have one vote which may not be transferred to a representative.
3) ONE VOTE PER PERSON: Each voting member shall have only one vote regardless of the number of teams coached and /or board position.
2.2 Mandatory Abstention. Any voting member of the Association, associated with a formally filed grievance, protest or appeal, shall not vote in respect to that particular grievance, protest or appeal.
2.3 Quorum: The members present at any duly organized meeting will constitute a quorum.
2.4 Good Standing. Any member team that (i) is delinquent in the payment to PDNYSA of any registration fees, fines or other fees; or (ii) fails or refuses to comply with the authority of PDNYSA, shall be considered to lose good standing and shall have its voting rights automatically suspended until such rights are reinstated by a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors.
3.1 The duties and responsibilities of persons elected to the board of Directors shall be carried out in a zealous proficient and responsible manner in the interest of the membership and the promotion of harmonious atmosphere beneficial to everyone.
3.2 President: The President shall be the primary representative of the Association. He shall supervise all activities of the Association and the work of its officers and committees.
1) Shall appoint Committees (with the exception of the nominating Committee and Discipline and Protest (D&P) Committee), as may be found necessary for the proper operation of the Association, and
2) Shall appoint representatives to the South Texas Youth Soccer Association, and
3) Shall be responsible to submit an annual report on the Association at the May meeting of the Association, and
4) Shall only cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie, and
5) As past President he/she shall become advisor to the newly elected president but shall have no vote.
3.3 Executive Vice-President: The Vice-President shall act in the absence of the President with the same powers and authority, and
1) Shall appoint and shall be the chairperson of the Association D&P Committee and as such shall be responsible for developing, maintaining, updating and distributing to all teams’ representatives the Association’s Discipline, Protest, Grievance and Appeal Procedures. Such procedures shall be approved by the Board of Directors.
2) Shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Association.
3.4 Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for safe keeping of all correspondence of the Board of Directors, and
1) Shall maintain a master document file containing up to date copies of any correspondence originating from the Board of Directors or being received by the Board of Directors from any outside source, and
2) Shall keep the records of minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and meetings of the General Membership.
3) Shall be responsible for the notification of all Board Members and persons concerned as to the place, date and time of such meetings, and
4) Shall prepare ballots for elections as needed, and
5) Shall maintain a listing of member teams and their coaches and/or representatives.
6) Shall compile information for preparation of agenda not less than ten (10) days prior to a regular scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors or of the general membership, and shall publish a copy of the agenda on the Association web site and e-mail a copy to each officer no less than five (5) days prior to said scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors.
3.5 Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining accurate and detailed records in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices.
1) Shall ensure that all checks issued in the name of the Association have the signature of two (2) members of the Board, and
2) Shall present reports of current finances at all general meetings and Board of Directors meetings. Shall prepare the annual report for presentation at the May meeting which shall depict the financial status of the Association and transactions for the preceding year.
3) Shall be responsible for the timely filing of all EPYSA tax forms pertaining to that term of Office, and
4) Shall be the Chairperson of the Budget Committee of the Association and the Committee shall present a budget at the June meeting, and
5) A Financial Review Committee shall inspect the Treasurer’s records prior to the annual election.
3.6 Registrar: The Registrar of the Association shall be responsible for and supervise all activities regarding player and adult registration.
1) Shall maintain the Association’s database(s) and current paper records of player and adult registrations.
2) Shall have the authority to require any team, coach, adult or player to supply the necessary information in the format needed in order to properly perform his duties.
3) Shall be responsible for insuring that all players are registered in the correct age group and playing division.
4) Shall certify all teams’ rosters, player’s cards and Adult participation passes.
5) Shall ensure that all registration fees are turned over to the Treasurer of the Association in a timely manner.
6) Shall ensure that all necessary registration documents are submitted in a timely manner to STYSA.
3.7 Game Commissioner: The Game Commissioner shall be responsible for the scheduling and coordinating of all games
1) Shall be the chairperson of the Game Commissioners Committee of the Association if any, and
2) Shall receive and pass on to the teams, coaches and team representatives information involving tournaments, District and State Cup participation and any other pertinent information, and
3) Shall support the formation of Coaches and Players Clinics and shall make himself available in such situations as needed.
3.8 Public Relations Coordinator: The Public Relations Commissioner shall be responsible for maintaining liaison with Members of City and County Government, local news media, league Board Members and the General Public on behalf of the Association, and
1) Shall coordinate with the President of the Association any and all meetings, press releases, interview, advertisements or public appearances concerning soccer prior to taking such action, and
2) Shall present a report of activities to the Association Board of Directors during monthly meetings.
3.9 Director of Coaching: The Director of Coaching
1) shall evaluate coaches’ performance as needed, and
2) shall schedule, coordinate, organize and/or conduct coaching clinics as needed.
3) shall maintain all coaches informed regarding all STYSA coaching requirements.
4) shall communicate and advertise any Olympic development event to players, coaches, teams and parents.
4.1 Nominating Committee: At the January Board of Directors meeting , a Nominating Committee of at least 3 members shall be appointed. The Nominating Committee shall contact its nominees prior to the election in order to obtain the nominees’ acceptance of nomination and willingness to serve. The nominating Committee shall provide a report of its nominees to the Board of Directors not less than 30 days prior to the election in the month of May and to the general membership at the May Annual Meeting.
1) Before the election at the annual meeting additional nominations from the floor shall be permitted.
4.2 Financial Review Committee: The Financial Review Committee of three members shall be appointed by the Board of Directors at the January meeting, whose duty shall be to review the Treasurer’s accounts and to report to the Board of Directors and to the general membership at the Annual May Meeting. With prior approval of the Board of Directors, the Financial Review Committee shall have the authority to contract with an auditing company for auditing services.
4.3 Budget Committee: The Budget Committee shall be composed of at least 3 members appointed by the President. The Treasurer shall be the chair of this committee. The committee shall present the proposed yearly budget to the Board of Directors at the November meeting and to the General Membership at the 3rd General Meeting.
4.4 Discipline and Protest Committee: The Discipline and Protest Committee shall be chaired by the Executive Vice-President. An assistant chairperson may be appointed by the Executive Vice-President, with the approval of the President. The assistant chairperson shall conduct the duties of the chairperson in his absence. Additional committee members shall be appointed by the Executive Vice-President . The Coaching Director shall serve as an advisor with no voting rights.
1) The committee shall conduct hearings, hear appeals and rule on all rules violations and discipline matters brought to the attention of the Board of Directors and/or to the committee.
2) A member of this committee who has a vested interest or direct involvement in the matter before the committee shall not participate in the actions of the committee.
3) All decisions made by this committee are final and shall be submitted in writing to the President for dispensation. Notifications of actions shall be sent in writing by certified mail to the involved parties.
4) Any decision resulting in suspension or expulsion may be appealed to the Board of Directors within 5 days of the announcement of such decision. The appeal must be accompanied by a protest fee of $50.00 and sent to the President. If the decision is waived and found in favor of the protestor, his/her money will be refunded. If the decision stands, the protestor may appeal to the STYSA Discipline and Protest Committee. If the protest is denied, the protestor may appeal to the STYSA Governing Board.
4.5 Special Committees: The President shall have the authority to appoint special committees as deemed necessary to carry on the work of the Association. The Board of Directors shall name the chair of each committee.
5.1 All teams, players, adults registered with the Association shall be registered following the STYSA registration rules.
6.1: The PDNYSA Rules of Play shall govern the play of the game within the Association.